martes, 15 de enero de 2008

Clases de yoga? Puedes pedìrselas a James Morrison!

Nunca te decidiste a practicar yoga? Pues bueno, parece que el secreto de la tranquilidad de Mr. Bill Buchanan (por el que le aguanta tanta loquera al Bauer) es, simplemente....practicar yoga. Mientras los terroristas intentan diezmar la poblaciòn, la ùnica manera de controlar los nervios es....respirar profundamente.

Chistes malos aparte, James Morrison (el Bill Buchanan de 24) con sus 53 añitos a cuestas, aparte de dedicarse a la actuaciòn, producciòn, la poesìa y a hacer cine independiente con su esposa (que es directora) se dedica a enseñar Yoga. Morrison da clases de la tradiciòn Hatha, tres veces a la semana en el Centro de Yoga en Los Angeles.

El actor comenzò a practicar la disciplina hace unos 10 años, cuando afrontaba el estrès de su carrera combinado con el nacimiento de su primer hijo, y necesitaba algo que lo ayudara a liberar su mente de una manera màs fàcil.

Un amigo le sugiriò intentarlo con el yoga, por lo que James comenzò su acreditaciòn como maestro en el White Lotus Foundation en Santa Bàrbara. "El yoga es el arte y la ciencia de balancear no sòlo lo que viene de adentro, sino todo lo que viene a nosotros desde afuera. Mi maestro abriò mis ojos a eso, y yo estaba listo para recibirlo."

James indica que ha visto un crecimiento significativo en el nùmero de personas que asisten a sus clases en los ùltimos años. "Me gustarìa creer que la gente viene porque me he convertido en un mejor maestro, pero puede ser que es porque quieren ver a Bill Buchanan enseñando yoga" se rìe Morrison.

Mientras admite que no le importa que su fama sea la responsable de traer a clase a parte de sus nuevos estudiantes, sì le ha traìdo algunas situaciones complicadas. En la primavera del 2007, una estudiante se le acercò y le confesò ser una gran fans de 24. "ella me dijo durante la meditaciòn de descanso final, que al escuchar mi voz sentìa que estaba en CTU. Pensè..."Oh, pobre mujer. Lamento molestar tu tranquilidad. CTU no es el sitio màs relajado del planeta... respira profundo!"

Quien sabe, seguro algùn 24 alumni algo le habrà sacado a este maestro. Y si no, deberìan. Para algo servirà, no? Conste que yo nunca he practicado, pero con este maestro no serìa mala idea.

La nota (y la foto!) es una traducciòn mìa del artìculo publicado en US Airways.

When terrorists are attempting to decimate the world, as they do with fierce insistence on the hit TV show 24, deep breathing may be the best way to steady those jangly nerves. At least that might be the advice you get from actor James Morrison, who’s played Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) Chief Bill Buchanan for the past three seasons. In fact, the 53-year-old Morrison would likely recommend adding asanas (poses) and dhyana (meditation) to accompany the pranayama (breathing): As a certified yoga instructor in the Hatha tradition, he teaches three classes a week at the Center for Yoga in Los Angeles.

Best known for his roles in numerous television shows and feature films, including Catch Me If You Can and Jarhead, Morrison is also a published poet, a produced playwright, and a respected independent filmmaker. He dabbled in yoga and Eastern philosophy throughout high school and while training as an actor. But Morrison only began a serious yoga practice nearly a decade ago, when he was struggling with career issues and anticipating the birth of his first child. “I was suffering, and I really needed something to help me turn the dripping faucet of thought off in my head,” he says. “I sought an easier, softer way.”

A friend suggested that Morrison should commit to yoga, and he began his teacher training at the acclaimed White Lotus Foundation in Santa Barbara. “Yoga is the art and science of balancing not only that which comes from within, but also what comes at us from without,” he says. “My teacher opened my eyes to that, and I was really ready for it.”

Morrison says he’s seen a significant upswing in the number of people attending his classes over the past few years. “I like to believe people come because I’m becoming a better teacher, but maybe it’s because they want to see Bill Buchanan teach yoga,” he laughs. And while he doesn’t mind if his fame is responsible for bringing some of the new students, he does admit it can have its drawbacks. After one class last spring, for instance, a student approached Morrison and confessed that she was a big fan of the show. “She told me that during the final resting meditation, she heard my voice and felt like she was in CTU,” Morrison says. “I thought, ‘Oh, you poor woman. I’m so sorry to disturb your peace. CTU is not the most relaxing place in the world. Keep breathing.’”



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