miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2007

Al menos recibe correo el muchachito!

Y yo tenìa entendido que no le podìan mandar nada? Hala, que agarrarìa papel y làpiz para quererlo mucho por escrito de no ser que Ipostel es màs mierdero como servicio que otra cosa. Como todo lo del gobierno.

El Kief està recibiendo cartitas lindas de sus fans en Glensdale!!!! Segùn el director de la càrcel, le llegan hasta cien diarias. Què suerte, al menos le estàn dando en què entretenerse. Que aùn quedan cuarenta dìas, coño.

La nota es de Earthtimes. Supongo que el 21/12 dejaràn que pase el millòn de cartas que le quieren enviar. Yo tendrè que hacer señales de humito.

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 11 Hollywood actor Kiefer Sutherland, who is serving a 48-day jail sentence, is receiving scores of letters daily from adoring fans.

Sutherland is serving time for his second drunken driving conviction and for violating probation.

The "24" star pleaded no contest Oct. 9 to driving with a blood-alcohol level over the legal California limit of 0.08 percent.

Sutherland was on probation for a 2004 DUI conviction when he was pulled over Sept. 25 after leaving a party and subsequently arrested.

"The guy's been getting a ton of fan mail," Officer John Balian, spokesman for the Glendale City Jail, told People.com. "Easily more than 100 letters a day."

However, only Sutherland's attorney has been by to visit him since he began his sentence Dec. 5, the magazine said.



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