miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

Màs de Kiefer. Ya nos enteramos què hacìa en Canadà.

O creìan que no me iba a enterar? jejejej! A esta bloguera le gusta su dosis de chismecito de vez en cuando.

Hablando en serio; Recientemente Kiefer hizo un toque tècnico en Canadà, donde filmò una escena para Corner Gas, comedia que lleva cinco temporadas transmitièndose en ese paìs y que esta semana presentaba su final de temporada. Otra invitada especial para ese episodio fue Shirley Douglas (en voz ùnicamente) que es la madre de Kiefer.

La escena dura aproximadamente treinta segundos y de acuerdo a Canoe-Jam este es el contenido (que pueden disfrutar en el video que se anexa a esta nota, que tomamos del blog de Penny Keating):

After being thwarted in his attempts to mobilize a field team (i.e., the local field hockey team and the local football team), a frustrated Davis blurted to the mayor, "Fine, if you won't help me, I'll find someone else who will."

Davis slammed down the phone, then picked it up and dialed another number.

Cut to Kiefer, who since 2001 has played Jack Bauer on the groundbreaking action series 24. In this instance, Kiefer was dressed in a bathrobe, seated in a dimly lit room, staring intently at a computer.

Kiefer: "Hello."

Davis: "We have a problem. We need to set up a perimeter."

Kiefer: "Who is this?"

Davis: "Isn't this the coach of the baseball team?"

Kiefer: "No, you have the wrong number. This is Shirley Douglas' residence."

Davis: "Really?"

Kiefer: (slightly impatient): "Yes, I should know, she's my mother."

Davis (mocking): "Your mother? You still live with your mother? How old are ya?"

Kiefer: "I'm hanging up now."

At which point, the light in Kiefer's room changed as a door opened.

Douglas' voice: "Kiefer, who was that?"

Kiefer (exploding in anger): "Dammit, Mom, I told you to knock before you come in!"



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