miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2007

WHAT?????????????? 24/2=12??????????

Alguien me quiere matar en Fox y no soy yo.

Ausiello publica hoy en su columna del mièrcoles que dado que se espera una màs que pronta soluciòn a la huelga....un rumor que corre por los pasillos del canal es que podrìan dividir la temporada de 24 en dos: 12 capìtulos a transmitir ahora y 12 despuès de septiembre.

No me quieren matar, verdad? Are you crazy? Sè que tiene alguna lògica, y quizàs la desarrolle luego....pero no. Protestoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


Question: If the writers' strike comes to an end soon, can 24 still make the 2008 schedule? — Allan

Ausiello: That's a very good question. And, in light of reports that a deal could be imminent (please God let it be true), it's one Fox is wrestling with as we speak. One unsubstantiated rumor currently making the rounds is that the network may opt to split the current season of 24 in two, airing the first 12 episodes in the spring and the last 12 in the fall. Not sure how I feel about that. Actually, that's a lie. I'm fairly certain I hate it.



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